My Two Cents

Sunday, July 23, 2006


There's been a lot of hype, especially the last few weeks, about Clerks II, which was released this weekend.

Is it possible for the great Kevin Smith to do justice to the original, or even the other kickass films he's made over the last 10 years?

Many have speculated that Clerks II would be a bomb, and the speculation wasn't entirely unfounded. Sequels that suck ass are common place, especially the sequel to something as mind-numbingly awesome as the original Clerks.

Well, Todd and I just returned from seeing the new Kevin Smith offering and let me just say; THAT MOVIE WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!

Smith not only lived up to the original and his other movies, he totally blew them out of the water. This might have been the lewdest, crudest, most twisted movie ever made. And it was pure heaven.

Smith not only pushed the envelope with this flick, he grabbed it, tore it up, stuffed it down his throat, shit it out and lit the fucking thing on fire!

Go see it. Now. Stop reading this blog. Sign off the Internet, get in your car and drive, really fast, do all the lights, speed, run cats over, it's ok... just get to your nearest theater as soon as humanly possible.

Seriously. I'm not writing anymore. Leave!!

Oh, and one more thing. Remember, sometimes it's ok to go ass to mouth.


  • Sandman,

    Has Todd A. given you a heads-up for Saturday evening?

    I don't have your email address, or else I would write you there. Hope you see you.

    By Blogger Pete, at 8/02/2006 12:17 AM  

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